Projects:2018s1-182 Inertia Characterisation and Modelling in a Renewable Energy and Battery Based Microgrid

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Synchronous inertia, is basically the amount of stored energy in a power system that can be utilised during supply demand imbalances. Recently, due to high penetration of eind and solar power in a power system, thus form of inertia has slowly been decreasing thus causing instability in the power system as the frequency fluctuates more.

A possible solution for this is too provide more stored energy in the system using batteries. This is called synthetic inertia. Although not instantaneous like synchronous inertia, with fast frequency processing, synthetic inertia could be a viable way of minimising supply demand imbalances at all times and therefore stabilising frequency.

Project Team

  • Maxwell Weppner
  • Pei Ying Lim

Project Supervisor

  • Assoc Prof. Nesimi Ertugrul
  • Dr Wai-Kin Wong (Electranet)


Power Systems are changing rapidly. In the South Australian case, on average, approximately 50% of the electricity is produced by asynchronous generators. However, the asynchronous supply at any given time can reach 100% and regularly does. This is in stark contrast with historical power systems where 100% of the electricity was sourced by synchronous generators all of the time. This has consequently had a number of effects on the modern power system, one being the ever decreasing synchronous inertia that historical systems inherently had.

Low system inertia is a problem when it comes to system stability as was seen in the 2016 Blackout in South Australia. Thus, it is desired to somehow replace this stability. Synthesizing inertia is one such method and has been explored in this project.


The objective of this project is to model a renewable energy and battery based microgrid focusing on inertia characterisation. The project objectives are listed below :

a) Develop microgrid with +/- 0.15Hz of frequency regulation
b) Improve the rate of change of frequency measurement (RoCoF) scheme
c) Demonstrate the role of battery energy storage solution (BESS) for frequency regulation and frequency contingency
d) Software modelling and validatio

Project Design

This project is divided into multiple stages.

Stage 1 :

Project Results

Project Conclusions and Further Studies


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