Projects:2018s1-151 Raspberry Pi as a Core Device for Efficient Biological Field Survey Data Collection

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The purpose and anticipated result of this project is to build a new data collection unit using a Raspberry Pi as the core device. The data that will be collected is in reference to bats found in the Indo-Australasia Region. This data collection unit will be capable of collecting different types of data relating to bats, such as the ultrasound produced by bat calls as well as thermal imaging of the bats in their native environment.

Team Members

Matej Kepeski

Ross Paynter


Prof. Langford White

Dr. Kyle Armstrong

Abstract/Project Objectives

1) To create a unified electronic device that is capable of multiple different methods of data collection

2) Firstly, the device is required to detect and record the ultrasonic sounds made by bats in the Indo-Australasia region

3) Secondly, the device should be able to capture video data in infrared/thermal, so as to be able to relate the captured audio of the ultrasonic sensor to the visual aspect of the bats location, surroundings etc.

4) The device emits a bat social call from an acoustic lure in the form of a bat social call to entice bats to come within the the range of the device

5) Ensure that the system does not require a large power supply for continual use.

6) Ensure as many different applications can be added onto the device (temperature, humidity sensors, GPS) as possible without going over budget.

7) Ensure that the device is mobile enough to be transported within a generic Duratech type waterproof box

8) The device will have to include all applications specified above on a strict budget (500 AUD)


Data collection on biodiversity field surveys in today’s world is reliant increasingly on the use of electronic devices that are both expensive and can only record one form of data. There are multitudes of devices which sense and measure aspects of the abiotic environment, such as water chemistry and atmospheric conditions [1], as well as animals themselves through photographic [2], video [3] or acoustic recordings [4]. The hardware developed for various types of data collection has been established in the marketplace for years, however because these devices are highly specialised for particular tasks and markets they are typically highly priced for a good quality product [5].

Such high quality specialist devices are often out of the reach of scientists in developing countries, especially when multiple units are required for robust levels of site replication [6]. However, with the increasing miniaturisation of electronic components, development of processing power, cost efficiency of flash memory storage and the availability of low-cost hobby electronics, there appears to be increased opportunity for the consumer-led development of customised devices [7].

Bat echolocation

Through the use of ultrasonic echolocation calls, bats are able to efficiently forage at night. This echolocation involves the bat sending out a call at very high frequency pulses, which in turn bounces off any objects in its vicinity. The bat then focuses on the location of the reflected wave to zero in on its insect prey, or avoid an obstacle [8].

As different bats echolocate at different frequencies depending on their body size and feeding habitat, it is possible to identify these bats through the examination of echolocation calls [8]. Recordings can be subjected to a range of different signal processing options to allow visualisation and classification of the calls. These devices are known as ultrasonic bat detectors and are one of the main components that will be implemented through the completion of this project.

Bat echolocation.png


The core device integral to the completion of the project is the Raspberry Pi Zero. For its successful use in the project, various enhancements have to be considered including Wi-Fi connectivity, time management capabilities, storage of data and efficient power management. The Raspberry Pi Zero (RPi) also acts as an inexpensive but highly flexible miniaturised UNIX computer core from which a number of external sensors and components can be attached. To consider both the internal components as well as all the external functionality, a general system overview has been proposed. Link title


Software provided by:

1) Arnold Andreasson, Arnold Andreasson, Sweden- Software: CloudedBats WURB

The software internet page:

2) "AK Fledermausschutz Aachen, Düren, Euskirchen (NABU / BUND / LNU)"

Link to NABU regional association NRW: www.nabu-nrw. de

The software internet page:

[1] W. F. Dabberdt, G. L. Frederick, R. M. Hardesty, W.-C. Lee and K. Underwood (June, 2004) Advances in meteorological instrumentation for air quality and emergency response. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. [Online]. vol. 87 (no. 1-3), pp. 57-88. Available:

[2] T.L. Cutler and D.E. Swann (1999) Using Remote Photography in Wildlife Ecology: A Review. Wildlife Society Bulletin. [Online]. vol. 27 (no. 3), pp. 571-581. Available:

[3] B.M. Sabol and M.K. Hudson, (1995). “Technique Using Thermal Infrared-Imaging for Estimating Populations of Gray Bats”. Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 1242-1248, Dec. 1995. doi: 10.2307/1382618

[4] D. Russo and G. Jones, “Identification of twenty-two bat species (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Italy by analysis of time-expanded recordings of echolocation calls,” Journal of Zoology, vol. 258, no. 1, pp. 91–103, Aug. 2002. doi: 10.1017/S0952836902001231

[5] Titley Scientific (2018). Anabat Swift Passive Bat Detector [Online]. Available:

[6] Trading Economics. (2018). Indonesia GDP per capita PPP. [Online] Available:

[7] J. Markoff and The New York Times (2015, Sep. 26). Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips [Online]. Available:

[8] Harvard Library. (2018). Bats. [Online] Available: