Projects:2016s1-126 A Trash Collecting Robot

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Project Group

  • Gregory Davill
  • Michael Poon
  • Tony Daidone


  • Braden Phillips
  • Michael Liebelt

Foreign Object Debris Collecting Robot

Group126 plane 001.png


Conduct a feasibility study into an autonomous robot to collect Foreign Object Debris (FOD) from airport runways.

Project Overview:

FOD is a major cause of concern on airport runways as it it a precursor to aircraft damage. FOD can consist of objects such as aircraft parts, tools, wildlife and personal effects. Current processes do not sufficiently address the FOD issue. The proposed project relies on an autonomous robot to collect FOD before it poses a threat to aircraft. Path-planning, cost analysis and testing trust are the major technical challenges of the project that are explored by the team members. This project follows a System Engineering approach meaning that documents which are created will be based upon preceding documents. A Concept of Operations, System Requirements Document and Interim Engineering Reports (IER) have been produced, with the IER addressing the technical challenge and providing part of the overall feasibility study into its specific field.

Task allocation

As aforementioned the project was broken down into three separate technical challenges. These challenges are explored in-depth below.

Trust and Testing

Cost analysis

Control and Simulation=