Projects Lab

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This page gives an overview of the various project areas and their current allocations.

Facility Location Purpose Status Access
SET Software Project Lab N204, Engineering North For dedicated systems allocated to project to run specific software, or where system is being customized and modified, or for using large datasets or require secure physical access to data and results. Available Honours/Masters students/groups can apply for a dedicated computer for their project using form.
Ad-hoc CATS computers for Honours/Masters students S326, Engineering South Ad-hoc access to systems with engineering software that will not be booked for classes and so be available for students for ad-hoc access during teaching times. Available Honours/Masters students should be able to access using swipe card.
SET Computer Simulations Lab ASPER 103, Santos Dedicated powerful system temporarily required to run medium to large simulations where other options such as HPC are unsuitable. Available Honours/Masters students/groups can apply for access to room using form.
SET Electronic Projects Lab EM307, Engineering Maths Dedicated systems allocated to project where there is a requirement to integrate with hardware. Hot desk option also available. Available Honours/Masters students/groups can apply for a dedicated computer/bench/equipment for their project using form.

The SET Projects Lab (EM307) contains 24 benches, each with a digital storage oscilloscope, arbitrary function generator, tri-channel power supply, multimeter and PC. Hot desks with specialist RF equipment and mixed-signal oscilloscopes (featuring logic analysers) are also nearby in the area, as well as a small drone/rover testing area (EM306) and PCB prototyping workshop (EM315).

The Power Lab benches setup is identical to that in EM307 in most cases, but with close access to test gear suited to electrical projects (e.g. mains power analysers) and qualified personnel (e.g. electricians). 11th July 2022: area currently under refurbishment. Contact Phil in workshop opposite for further details.

Further information regarding these areas would have been presented during the Projects Introductory Session, for which documentation should be available for through MyUni.

Project bench allocations

Below is info on access times and the current state of bookings. A hyphen (-) indicates not allocated. All areas (excluding those with general 24/7 access) are not available outside standard business hours unless noted.

An induction needs to be completed in order to gain access to the areas below and be allocated a bench.

Access times

Area: Access times (after induction):
EEE Projects Lab (EM307) Weekdays 7am-9pm and weekends 9am-5pm (via EM lift).
SET Software Project Lab (N204): 24/7.
Electrical projects labs (NG24/NG25/NG27) Accessible weekdays 9am-5pm.

Projects Lab (EM307)

Bench EM307-xx: Group allocated: Comments: Emailed: Bench cleared: Form received:
01 63241, Vision Based Autonomous Circuit Racing using Machine Learning
02 73241, Vision Based Autonomous Circuit Racing using Machine Learning
03 73266, Benchtop 3 Phase Generator Unit
04 23561, LabVIEW and LAN Interface for a FPGA-based PMU and 3-Phase Waveform Generator KK
05 13149, IoT for Grain Monitoring and Supply Chain Management
06 13149, IoT for Grain Monitoring and Supply Chain Management ^
07 13237, A Wearable Haptic Dosimeter
08 13021, A wearable haptic dosimeter to reduce radiation exposure during medical procedures MB
09 13021, A wearable haptic dosimeter to reduce radiation exposure during medical procedures ^
10 13135, Multistatic Passive Radar Continuing into summer research 2022-23. BN
11 13100, Consensus problem between flapping-wing and rotary-wing drones
12 13151, Zero Energy Device for Positioning
13 23351, Vision Based Autonomous Circuit Racing using Machine Learning
14 13077, Smart Sock for Aiding Prothesis Fit and Preventing Pressure Sores in Leg Amputees
15 13139, Satellite Reaction Wheel Custom Build 15/11.
16 13110, Arduino-based CSMA/CD Lab equipment loaned out to SAS. 16/11
17 Wing Kong Ng/NE, research Tentative until before 2023s1.
18 14027, Perpetual Underwater Drone (ME)
19 14027, Perpetual Underwater Drone (ME) ^
20 14057, RE-RASSOR-based Robotic System for Lunar Shelter Construction (ME) 16/11
21 13130, Collaborative Mapping and Localisation for Distributed Multi-Robot Systems
22 13131, Reinforcement Learning for Environment Exploration in Distributed Systems
23 13075, Modelling and Validation of Supercapacitors
24 63300, A Microcontroller-based Battery Logging System

Bench layout:


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24

SET Software Project Lab (N204)

Bench N204-xx: Group allocated: Comments: Emailed: Bench cleared: Form received:
01 63132, Multi-port Multi-mode antennas for sub-6GHz 5G MIMO applications, organise access Student transitioning to postgrad study; awaiting new PC.
02 23331, Collaborative safety-critical control for multi-vehicle systems ✔(2/3)
03 13096, Breast Cancer Detection using Microwave Imaging Technology
04 13180, 3D Printed Dielectric Antennas for Novel Applications
05 13002, Graph-based ML for the analysis of mobile devices and their applications Reserved for HGC/KM. DST PC.
06 13094, Wideband base-station antenna for sub-6GHz 5G communication
07 13167, The Ball Bearing Motor Mystery
08 15238, Super resolution convolutional neural networks for downscaling two-phase flow state variables
09 -
10 -
11 -

Bench layout:


06 05 04 03 02 01
11 10 09 08 07

Power Lab (NG24)

Bench #: Group allocated: Comments:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

The areas below are generally aren't booked to project groups unless they specifically require a large area (e.g. needing to use large project items not possible to use/move in a lab listed previously).

Autonomous Vehicle Workshop (NG25)

Bench #: Group allocated: Comments:
All Reserved (for FSAE Motor Sport Team).

Research Laboratory (NG27)

Bench #: Group allocated: Comments:
1 - Occasionally used for PQCM practicals.
2 - Occasionally used for PQCM practicals.

Self-service areas

Students will also gain access to the facilities below after completing an induction and being allocated a project bench by a technical staff member.

Area: Location: Access times/comments:
EEE Projects Lab Workshop EM315 Accessible weekdays 10am-4pm. Contains specialist PCB prototyping equipment (listed in next section).
Electrical projects labs electronics prototyping area NG08 Accessible weekdays 10am-4pm. As above (including a PCB mill), but with a simpler soldering setup, mainly for use by EEE students working around the area and mecheng/other groups.
SET Computer Simulations Lab ASPER 1.03 Accessible 24/7. Contains about 22 PCs for use by Honours/Masters project students.
Final Year Project Room S326 Accessible 24/7. Contains about 16 CATS imaged PCs for use by Honours/Masters project students

Again, please refer to your Projects Introductory Session resources for more information.

Accessing specialist equipment/hot desks

Hot desks containing the specialist equipment below are bookable though: Bookings are made in three hour slots, of which two are available per day. Please contact a staff member on the first instance of needing to use the equipment for a brief intro and induction (if required).

Item: Location: Induction required: Link:
LPKF ProtoMat S63 PCB milling machine NG08/EM315 Yes.
LPKF ProtoFlow S PCB reflow oven NG08(?)/EM315 Yes.
FlashForge Creator Pro 3D printer EM315 Yes.
Keysight FieldFox network analyser EM307 Intro session.
Tektronix MSO2014B mixed signal oscilloscope (with DPO2EMBD embedded serial triggering and analyser module) EM307 Intro session.

(info about other RF and soldering equipment to be added)