Projects:2014s2-75 Formation Control of Two Autonomous Smart Cars

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Aim The aim of this project is to build a model of two smart cars which can move independently. The smart cars will not be controlled by any human intervention for its movement. The two cars should have autonomous control and be able to recognize the destination and should move to the destination in a definite path. There are two major modes in which the cars should move. The control mode and the signal relay mode. In control mode, the cars will move in a chase dodge model. That is one car chases the other one in a definite speed. The other car recognises the chase and tries to avoid the first car. At a particular distance between them, the cars change their behaviour and the dodger turns back and pursues the chaser. The chaser from the first scenario, turns away in order to evade the other car. In signal relay mode, the movements of both the cars are integrated together to send a signal from a source to destination. Car 1 carries a signal or information to a particular location. Car 2 moves from its initial position to the same location. Car 1 supplies the data to Car 2 and Car 2 carries the information from the location of the first car to the final destination.