Projects:2015s1-12 An Open-Source Local Area Network (LAN)
Robert Long
Oscar Evans
Luke Hub-Mayner Warner
Leigh-Anthony Noye
Andrew Allison
Braden Phillips
Project Information
We will develop an Open-Source Local Area Network (LAN), based on the Arduino platform, and using the C
programming language. The purpose of this network is to serve as a simple low-cost platform for teaching principles
of real-time and embedded systems. There are three stages of development:
1/ Get the Arduino up and working with an LCD display and a number pad, and program it as a glass type-writer, with
modes for the alphabetic characters, after the fashion of many mobile telephones. Students will need to use multiple
processes (threads) to control the display and the keypad, and to buffer characters.
2/ Get Two, or more, Arduino microcontrollers exchanging text on an I2C bus. At this stage there is no collision
detection or addressing.
3/ Provide an application layer which allocates addresses to clients. If I send a text as: #57 Mr. Watson - Come here -
I want to see you# then the message: "Mr. Watson - Come here - I want to see you" appears only on the display of
client #57, and no other client. (There is still no encryption or security, just the convenience of an address.)
-> some background here
Tech Background
This project aims to produce an open source local area network (LAN). It is to be based on the Arduino platform and use the C programming language. This must operate over an I2C bus on the Arduino units with each unit to have its own bus connecting to a centralised server. Each client unit must also have its own display and keypad for input/output interaction with users. The purpose of this is to create a simple, low-cost platform for teaching principles of real-time and embedded systems. This system is to include an application layer which allocates addresses to clients however there will not be any security or encryption included.
Approach/Architecture Design
Potential Issues
4. References
Protothreads yo