Projects:2015s2-211 Health Visa

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Group Members

  • Samuel Zevenbergen.
  • Mingjie Qiu.


Client (Canadian)


There are an increasing number of people living with serious allergies, medical conditions and specific treatment wishes without the means of communicating this with First Responders and Paramedics in an emergency situation. There have been many situations where poor outcomes such as avoidable injury or death have resulted from medical treatments administered by medical professionals in emergency situations due to a lack of patient medical history.

The purpose of patient care/healthcare is for medical professionals to use their knowledge and experience as well as all available medical information and advanced directives to make a prompt and competent diagnosis leading to appropriate and correct treatment during a medical emergency. Currently it is in the patient's best interest to ensure they can communicate relevant medical information in case of an emergency. It is also the medical professional's obligation to respond in the correct manner to any medical information and reasonable wishes 07/19/ignoring-a-medic-alert-bracelet 1.


Currently there are many devices and systems, which can be used by patients to communicate their treatment critical information with medical professionals in the case of emergency where they are unable to.

Despite the current number of options available, there are still cases where speed of access to information, amount and accuracy of information, language barriers, privacy, authentication, security, community awareness and location of the information have resulted in undesirable outcomes such as medical episodes and even death.

In response to this issue, a number of systems have been created, each with weaknesses around the amount of information available, time required to access information, data privacy and/or security. The below sections highlight the pros and cons of each system.

Medic Alert

Overview Pros Cons

iPhone Medical ID

Overview Pros Cons


Overview Pros Cons


Overview Pros Cons


Operational Boundaries



Operational Scenarios