Projects:2017s1-111 OTHR Alternative Computing Architecture

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Project Team

Daniel Lawson


Dr Braden Phillips
Mr Shane Breandler BAE Systems (External)


The aim of this project was to investigate the four computer architectures most commonly used for signal processing and radar to determine which would be most suitable for use in the JORN Phase 6 upgrade using auto code generation tools.

The architectures chosen were CPU, GPU, FPGA and ASIC with each compared across a range of metrics including run-time, utilisation, power, thermal and cost, base on previous work in computer architecture comparisons. Each system was explored for feasibility through experimentation on a wave propagation algorithm to evaluate device parameters and the measurement tools. Feasible architectures were then compared against each other using a second algorithm representative of expected workload where it was found that a GPU based system produced the best results with due to high performance with large data sets and strong developer support through tools and testing

As the project involved mapping a single algorithm to a number of different architectures, insight into the general process of high level synthesis was also discovered. It was found that even architectures designed for maximum portability required some manual rewriting of code to fully take advantage of parallelism with correct output.


As part of the latest (Phase 6) upgrade to the Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) project, BAE Systems Australia expect that the demand for radar simulation algorithms will increase over the duration of the networks lifetime. In expectation for this increased demand, this project will investigate the feasibility or a range of different architectures to identify the most suitable architecture for radar simulation. The methods found and results gained from this project will provide a basis for both strategic decisions for the JORN 6 upgrade, as well as a potential design guide for future algorithms.

Project Constrains and Assumptions

In was noted that JORN already possesses a large pre-existing code base designed for a CPU architecture. To reduce engineering costs of mapping the entire code base to a new architecture automatic code generation tools were used. This constraint acknowledges the fact that results may change if optimal implementations of each architecture were designed manually.

- Understand and benchmark an existing CPU based radar simulation algorithm.
- Research and develop a GPU implementation of provided algorithm.
- Research and develop a FPGA implementation of provided algorithm.
- Compare and recommend suitable architecture based on bench-marking of above implementations.
- Research and develop an ASIC implementation of provided algorithm.