Category:Final Year Projects

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Battery degradation shows the capacity of battery and its life time. But the mechanisms are complex and interacting. Engineerings build real-time estimation model to solve it but there are to many limitation. Off-line estimation model fine out the general equations of battery life. In actual use the data are dynamics. this tool box can dynamically simulate the equations.


this project will build a toolbox in MATLAB. users can call the functions in toolbox to get the degeadation of Li-ion battery.

Project team

Project students

  • Yuanli Chen


  • <Ali Pourmousavi Kani>
  • <Said Al-Sarawi>



this poject will build two function based to two models into the toolbox.

these two models are provided in these two article:

"A Multi-Factor Battery Cycle Life Prediction Methodology for Optimal Battery Management"

"Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation for Cell Life Assessment"


model 1

Flowchart of model 1.png





[1] V. Muenzel, J. D. Hoog, M. Brazil, A. Vishwanath, S. Kalyanaraman, "A multi-factor battery cycle life prediction methodology for optimal battery management", Proc. e-Energy, pp. 57-66, Jul. 2015. [2] Xu, B, Oudalov, A, Ulbig, A, Andersson, G & Kirschen, DS 2018, ‘Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation for Cell Life Assessment’, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1131–1140. [3] Lee, Yung-Li & Tjhung, Tana 2012, ‘Rainflow Cycle Counting Techniques-Chapter 3’, in Metal Fatigue Analysis Handbook, pp. 89–114. [4] Aiping Wang, Sanket Kadam, Hong Li, Siqi Shi & Yue Qi 2018, ‘Review on modeling of the anode solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) for lithium-ion batteries’, Npj Computational Materials, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–26.


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